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Instructions pour création de liste de Kanjis
Howto for Kanji list creation
  Ce logiciel permet d'aisément créer vos propres listes de Kanjis avec 2 méthodes différentes. Les fichiers de listes de Kanjis créés doivent être copiés dans le répertoire Data\KanjiList. This software allow you to easily create your own Kanji lists through 2 differents methods. The Kanji list files should be put under Data\KanjiList directory.  
Méthode 1 (Unicode)
Method 1 (Unicode)
  Consultez Radicals.txt comme source d'inspiration.
  • En utilisant un logiciel permmant la création de documents Unicode (tel que Word), entrez tous vos Kanjis (1 par ligne).
  • Sauvegardez votre fichier en tant que simple fichier texte Unicode, sans aucun formattage.
Consult ExempleUncode.txt as a source of inspiration.
  • Using a software that allow you to edit documents in Unicode (like Word), enter all of your kanji (1 per line).
  • Save the file as a simple Unicode text file, without any formatting.
Méthode 2 (Xml)
Method 2 (Index)
  Consultez ListDemo.Xml comme source d'inspiration.

Une liste ressemble à ceci :
<KanjiList Name="" Source="" Min="" Max="">
        <Filter Index="" Value="" Min="" Max="" />
         <Sort    Index="" Order="" />
KanjiList - attributs
Début d'une nouvelles liste.
Name Nom à afficher de la liste.
Source Nom d'une liste à charger comme source de kanjis. Par défaut charge tous les kanjis disponibles.
Min Garde les kanjis à partir du X'ième kanjis de la liste filtrée/triée.
Max Garde les kanjis jusqu'au X'ième kanjis de liste liste filtrée/triée.
Filter - attributs
Retire les kanjis de répondant pas às que désirée. Un critère doit avoir une valeur pour l'attribut Value ou Min/Max.
Index Champ à évaluer. Voir table 'Indexe' plus bas pour la liste complète.
Value Valeur que le champ doit avoir pour conserver le kanji dans la liste.
Min Valeur minimum que le champ doit avoir pour conserver le kanji.
Max Valeur maximum que le champ doit avoir pour conserver le kanji.
Sort  - attributs
Trie la liste par le champ spécifié. Vous pouvez avoir autant de ligne de trie que désirée, elle seront appliquées dans le même ordre que trouvées dans le fichier.
Index Champ à évaluer. Voir table plus bas pour la liste complète.
Order Ordre de trie. Peut être "Asc" ou "Desc".
Asc: Ordre croissant (défaut).
Desc: Ordre décroissant.
Consult ListDemo.Xml as a source of inspiration.

A list looks like this :
<KanjiList Name="" Source="" Min="" Max="">
        <Filter Index="" Value="" Min="" Max="" />
         <Sort    Index="" Order="" />

KanjiList - attributes
Start of a new list.
Name Name of the list, to display.
Source Name of a list to load as a source of kanji. By default, load all available kanji.
Min Keep the kanji from the filtered/sorted list, starting at the Xth kanji.
Max Keep the kanji from the filtered/sorted list, up to the Xth kanji.
Filter - attributes
Remove the kanji not matching all filters inputed. You may have as many lines of filters as desired. A filter needs a value for the attribute Value or Min/Max.
Index Field to evaluate. See 'Index' table below for complete list.
Value Value the field must have for the kanji to be valid.
Min Minimum value the field must have for the kanji to be valid
Max Maximum value the field must have for the kanji to be valid
Sort  - attributes
Sort the list by the specified field. You may have as many lines of sorting as desired, they will be applied in the same order as the are found in the file.
Index Field to evaluate. See 'Index' table below for complete list.
Order Sorting order. May be "Asc" or "Desc".
Asc: Increasing order (defaultt).
Desc: Decreasing order.
Indexe Index
  Listes de valeurs qui peuvent être assignées à l'attribut Index dans tags <Filter> et <Sort>.

Ils proviennent de la compilation de kanjis Kanjidic rendue possible grâce à The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, Monash University. Pour davantage de détails, visitez ce lien.

Index Définition
Eu Code Euc de la lettre.  (en décimal). Table
JI Code Jis de la lettre (en décimal). Table
U Unicode de la lettre (en décimal). Table
R Index du radical du kanji (Bushu). Liste
S Nombre de traits.
F Rang du kanji. L'importance des kanjis les plus utilisés est basée sur sa fréquence d'utilisation dans le japonais moderne. Valeurs de 1 à 2501.
G Niveau Jouyou du kanji. Basé sur niveau de classe où les japonais apprennent le kanji. Valeur de 1 à 6 pour niveau régulier, 8 pour kanjis courrants et 9 pour kanji utilis dans les noms de personnes (Jinmeiyou).
E The index number used in "A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters" by Kenneth G. Henshall. There are 1945 Kanji with these numbers (i.e. the Jouyou subset.)
K The index number in the Gakken Kanji Dictionary  ("A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage"). 
L The index number used in "Remembering The Kanji" by James Heisig.
O The index number in "Japanese Names", by P.G. O'Neill. (Weatherhill, 1972)
H The index number in the New Japanese-English Character Dictionary, edited by Jack Halpern.
N The index number in the "Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character Dictionary", edited by Andrew Nelson.
V The index number in The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary, edited by John Haig.
DB The index numbers used in "Japanese For Busy People" vols I-III, published by the AJLT. The codes are the 3 digits number. Ex: 213 = Volume 2 Chapter 13
DC The index numbers used in "The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power" by Dale Crowley.
DG The index numbers used in the "Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide".
DH The index numbers used in the 3rd edition of "A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese" edited by Ken Hensall et al.
DJ The index numbers used in the "Kanji in Context" by Nishiguchi and Kono.
DK The index numbers used by Jack Halpern in his Kanji Learners Dictionary, published by Kodansha in 1999. The numbers have been provided by Mr Halpern.
DO The index numbers used in P.G. O'Neill's Essential Kanji The numbers have been provided by Glenn Rosenthal.
DR These are the codes developed by Father Joseph De Roo, and published in his book "2001 Kanji" (Bonjinsha).  Fr De Roo has given his permission for these codes to be included.
DT The index numbers used in the Tuttle Kanji Cards, compiled by Alexander Kask.
List of values that can be assigned to attributes Index in the tags <filter> and <Sort>.

Those options come from the kanji compilation kanjidic made possible by The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, Monash University. For more details, visit this link.

Index Définition
Eu Euc code character encoding (in decimal). Table
JI Jis code character encoding (in decimal). Table
U Unicode character encoding (in decimal). Table
R Index of the kanji's radical (Bushu). Liste
S Stroke count.
F Frequency-of-use ranking.  The frequency is a number from 1 to 2,501 that expresses the relative frequency of occurrence of a character in modern Japanese.
G The Jouyou grade level. Base on which grade japanese student learn the kanji. Value 1 through 6 for regular, 8 for common general-use kanji and 9 for kanji used in names (Jinmeiyou).
E The index number used in "A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters" by Kenneth G. Henshall. There are 1945 Kanji with these numbers (i.e. the Jouyou subset.)
K The index number in the Gakken Kanji Dictionary  ("A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage"). Some of the numbers relate to the list at the back of the book, jouyou kanji not contained in the dictionary, and various historical tables at the end.
L The index number used in "Remembering The Kanji" by James Heisig.
O The index number in "Japanese Names", by P.G. O'Neill. (Weatherhill, 1972)
H The index number in the New Japanese-English Character Dictionary, edited by Jack Halpern.
N The index number in the "Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character Dictionary", edited by Andrew Nelson.
V The index number in The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary, edited by John Haig.
DB The index numbers used in "Japanese For Busy People" vols I-III, published by the AJLT. The codes are the 3 digits number. Ex: 213 = Volume 2 Chapter 13
DC The index numbers used in "The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power" by Dale Crowley.
DG The index numbers used in the "Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide".
DH The index numbers used in the 3rd edition of "A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese" edited by Ken Hensall et al.
DJ The index numbers used in the "Kanji in Context" by Nishiguchi and Kono.
DK The index numbers used by Jack Halpern in his Kanji Learners Dictionary, published by Kodansha in 1999. The numbers have been provided by Mr Halpern.
DO The index numbers used in P.G. O'Neill's Essential Kanji The numbers have been provided by Glenn Rosenthal.
DR These are the codes developed by Father Joseph De Roo, and published in his book "2001 Kanji" (Bonjinsha).  Fr De Roo has given his permission for these codes to be included.
DT The index numbers used in the Tuttle Kanji Cards, compiled by Alexander Kask.